IMT Training

Tips On How To Ace IMT Training Interview

Before you get accepted into an IMT training, there is a process that you must undergo. Getting through the IMT interview is the one of those processes you need to pass through. Each year, applicants have high hopes in passing this interview and getting into their selected internal healthcare training. While passing the IMT interview can be hard, applicants need to be prepared to go through the entire process.

In order to get into your first choice training programme, here are some tips on how to ace the IMT training interview. Read the following paragraphs and consider the tips mentioned in this article.

What can you expect

DO NOT BE LATE. Get to the interview place as early as you can. The IMT medicine website recommends arriving at least 30 minutes before your booked slot. When you get there, you will be asked to submit your portfolio, and someone will check your identity. You will need to bring your passport with you, as well as a photocopy of the following pages of your passport:
• outer cover
• inside front cover
• photo and signature page (if your passport have the photo and signature on different pages, these are both needed)
• any additional pages of relevance within the passport (such as giving information on immigration status)

You also have to show a proof of GMC registration if you have gotten it by the day of the interview. You can get it by downloading the certificate from your GMC online account. You do not need GMC registration to apply for IMT, but you must have it by the time the training post starts.

Excellent interview preparation/ background knowledge

This includes knowing yourself; your strengths & weaknesses; your attributes and your achievements inside out. As well as learning about Medicine, healthcare; news topics; ethics; learning about studying Medicine and about different medical schools. Additionally, learning more about the IMT medicine interview process and strategies is important. It’s very important if you can get a training course before the interview as this would really help you ace it.

Excellent Medicine interview practice

This is taking all the theory you have learnt from your interview preparation and applying it by practising answering interview questions. You must then learn a lot by studying diligently and as a result, you improve your skills and knowledge.

Mastering the science of peak performance

In other words, you need to execute an excellent interview performance on the day – This is just like a 100-metre sprinter before their race. They have done all the hard work and preparation and have also practised, just as you have done your medicine interview preparation and interview practice. Now the athlete needs to get themselves into the ideal winning state/ “the zone” and then execute what they have prepared and practised.

Get a suit, preferably one that fits well

Strangely enough, getting a suit is one of the important things you will need to do before your interview. Females do not need to wear a suit, but they must dress accordingly. Having the proper attire is incredibly important because interviewers simply will not take you seriously if you are not dressed properly.

Read a lot

When it comes to IMT medical interviews, knowledge really is power. Ideally, getting training courses will help and encourage you to study more and with a group of people with the same goal as yours. As you read more, you will become smarter, and becoming smarter will make you not only more confident, but also better prepared to answer any question. When you do read, read books and articles that provide relevant information in an efficient way.

Do mock interviews and practice talking about yourself

Ask friends, colleagues, doctors, research supervisors, professors, or anyone else you trust to help you do a mock interview. But if you’re having a hard time asking, an IMT medical training course online usually helps, too, so better check that out. Try to do at least 2 or 3 mock interviews before you go into your first interview. In addition to mock interviews, make sure you are comfortable talking about yourself. You should be well aware of your personality, tendencies, accomplishments and experiences. Strangely enough, sometimes talking about yourself can be the hardest part about the interview.

The tips referenced above should act as a guide on how to prepare and ace your IMT training interview. Doing so will assist you in getting more proficient and certain about addressing questions, setting up your CV and portfolios, and in particular, be fully and intellectually prepared. Reading and studying more will allow you to prepare for the IMT interview. You can find reliable resources on the Internet. It is important to be at ease and lessen the pressure when preparing for the actual interview, so make sure that you take all the above-mentioned things into consideration to raise your chances of getting into your preferred medical training.

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